Our Mission:
Our Byzantine Church is in need of refreshment, renewed energy and the vitality that only the Holy Spirit can provide.
It is our desire, as ByziMoms, to call down the fire of the Holy Spirit upon our Byzantine Church by praying daily for each and every one of our Byzantine priests so that they may experience all of the blessings that God intends for them, and through them, for us!
If you would like to join our Apostolate, click the button to the right and join our facebook group where you will find daily reminders to pray for your own priest and for those of your fellow group members.
Remember, the heart-felt prayers of mothers for their children are most powerful! Imagine what the daily prayers of an army of ByziMoms can do!
We expect great things!
Join us!
What do I have to do?
Simply promise to pray the following prayer daily, filling in the names of the Bishops and Priests of your own particular jurisdiction:
How will I remember to do this every day?
A reminder will be posted to the facebook group daily with the prayers and the ability to comment with the names of those for whom you are praying. You can even tag your priest if you wish to encourage him! If you choose, you may say an additional Jesus Prayer for those named and "like" the comment to acknowledge that you have done so. Imagine the encouragement of seeing all of those prayers accumulate each day!
Can I add my own prayers and devotions as well?
Absolutely, you may add such prayers as the Rule of the Theotokos, the Jesus Prayer, fasting or sacrifices of any kind for the intention of increased holiness for our priests!
Can I ask members of the Apostolate to pray for a specific intention for my parish priest?
Yes! You may ask for specific prayer intentions to be added to the daily prayers of members of the apostolate by posting a petition on the facebook page. Members can then comment or "like" your comment/post to show that they have prayed.
How will our ByziMoms for ByziPriests Apostolate grow?
It is our intention that both the growth and success of the Apostolate be totally committed to the Will of the Holy Spirit. If you feel so inclined, please share this with others who may be willing to join us! The more priests we can pray for, the stronger our Church will become and the more vibrant it will be for our children in generations to come!
Spread the fire of the Holy Spirit!
0 Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd of all the faithful; I humbly pray You to look upon Your vicar on earth, our Holy Father Pope/Patriarch _______.
Bless his work and fulfill his good desires for the welfare of the Holy Church.
Give him strength and health that in peace he may govern the fold entrusted to his care and lead it to the heavenly kingdom.
0 Lord, remember our bishops, especially (Arch)bishop ________, and bestow upon them the blessing of body and soul, that, by their word and example, they may point out the way that leads to You.
0 Lord, bless and protect your representatives on earth, Our readers, our subdeacons, our deacons, and our priests, especially Father(s)__________ , who labor in your vineyard for the salvation of souls redeemed by Your most precious Blood. Give them prudence, perseverance, humility, and patience. Enkindle in their hearts the burning ardor which consumed the Apostles. May their lives be as holy as the truth they preach. Make them priests according to Your own heart. Let their light so shine before men that they, seeing their good work, may glorify the heavenly Father.
O Lord, bless and preserve those monks and nuns who serve you in your holy monasteries, especially Brother(s)_______ and Sister(s)_______and all those who pray for us at _______Monastery(s). Provide them with every good thing, both spiritual and temporal, and by their holy prayers, have mercy on us sinners! Amen.
O Lord, bless and preserve all of your clergy, especially those who are elderly, those who are persecuted, those who are suffering and in need, those who are forgotten, those who are sick and despondent, those who are young and inexperienced, those who are in formation, and those who are yet to be ordained so that we may not leave any of your servants without our prayerful support. Amen.
0 Lord, enkindle the fire of holy zeal in the heart of all priests and religious, that they may ever and in all things seek only Your glory and incite us to an ever-increasing love for You. Give them strength, that they may always labor for Your glory + and for the salvation of our souls.