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Are you looking for something more?...

Do you want to serve God in a more structured and meaningful way?

Would you like to grow in your prayer life with others who feel the same way you do?

Consider Joining Us!

We are women from all ages and all states of life who want to live more monastically while we carry out our individual vocations in the world as wives, mothers, or single businesswomen.

As a newly organized community that is spiritually attached to Holy Annunciation Byzantine (women's) Monastery in Sugarloaf, PA, we desire to study together and pray together at monthly inspirational gatherings while we carry out our individual obediences at home.   

Our community accepts both local and remote members.

While we are free to enter and exit this association at will, we strive to dedicate ourselves to the best of our ability to the service of the Monastery and the Church.


This is not a club but a sincere vocation.




This will be a dynamic and evolving group of prayerful women, and our mission will reflect that.  We strive to become modern myrrhbearers, seeking to anoint the Body of Christ with the myrrh of our prayer and good deeds in hopeful anticipation of its eventual rising from the dead.  



Prayer Rule

Our primary obligation is to offer our vocation as wives, mothers, and businesswomen, whatever our particular case may be, as the first and most important prayer offering to God.  Performing our daily tasks peacefully and with our full attention is our duty and all other forms of prayer are secondary.   That said, the following prayer rule is encouraged.


  •  Hours (text to follow; simplified for home use, but based upon the typicon of the Nuns so that we may pray along with them as a true part of the community

  •  Devotion to the Jesus Prayer….in order to pray without ceasing

  •  Divine Liturgy …the study of and celebration of, in order to help promote attentive, communal worship in the individual parishes 

  • A constant study of the Gospel and other writings of St. John the Beloved.

  • Morning Prayer

  • Intercessory Prayer

  • Evening Prayer



Patterning ourselves after the Sisters of Mercy at St. Elisabeth Convent in Minsk, we dedicate ourselves to performing an obedience as a sign of our commitment to bringing myrrh to anoint the Body of Christ.  Our obedience should not only be something that appeals to us and makes use of our God-given skills and talents, but it should be a task that we feel God is calling us to in order to serve our church community. 


Who are the nuns at Holy Annunciation Monastery?
*Holy Annunciation Monastery belongs to the Ruthenian Byzantine Eparchy of Passaic, New Jersey. 

The nuns follow the Monastic Rule of Saint Benedict (530) and witness to the monasticism of the Great  Undivided Church (prior to the Great Schism of 1045.) In Vita Consecrata we hear a summons to work for Church-unity. The Gospels are our foundational principle. We are heirs to the Eastern Tradition of the Desert Fathers, of St. Antony and St. Pachomius, and St. Basil, and the monastic Rules of John Cassian and St. Benedict who brought this Tradition to the West. 

                                                                                                                                                                          * (information taken from their website)

Holy Annunciation Monastery

Ruthenian Catholic Nuns

403 West County Road, Sugarloaf, PA 18249

Please contact me if this sounds like something God is placing on your heart.

Let's talk about it!


Lynne Wardach,

                              Lay Sisters Coordinator


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Come and Meet Us!
We are excited to announce that many of the newly organized community of
The Myrrhbearing Lay Sisters of St. John the Beloved 
at Holy Annunciation Monastery 

will make commitment promises at the Vespers Service on
Friday, September 29,2023. 
This will be our first official appearance together as a community,
and we are so very excited to join the nuns in greeting the pilgrims. 
We hope to greet YOU there!  

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