ByziKids Activities Index Page!
1st: Happy New Liturgical Year!
New Years Resolution Worksheet
Sitting with St. Simeon Stylite
Commemoration of the Righteous Joshua
Know Your Faith: the Obedience of Joshua
Recipe: Sweet Walls of Jericho
Joshua Horn Craft
Obedient to God: A Song by Khouria Sylvia Lyrics
2nd: Sharing Warm Milk with St. Mamas : (yummy recipe)
St.Mamas Cheese-making Activity
5th: Sts. Elizabeth & Zacchariah Sticky Peanut Butter Treats (even yummier recipe!)
4th: Commemoration of the Prophet Moses
Know Your Faith: Review the 10 Commandments
Old and New Commandments Song Lyrics
7th: St. Sozon Silver Packets (recipe for dinner)
8th: Happy Birthday Dear Theotokos!
The Birth Story of the Theotokos
History of the Salutation Prayer to the Theotokos
The Rule of the Theotokos
Nativity of the Theotokos Play, by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
I Spy in My Little Icon: Nativity of the Theotokos
Nativity of the Theotokos Coloring Page
9th: Commemoration of the Grandparents of Jesus, Joachim & Anna
Once Upon a Saint: Joachim & Anna
11th: St. Euphrosynas the Cook Apple Crisp Recipe
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Euphrosynas
St Euphrosynas Coloring Page
14th: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Holy Cross Macaroni Craft (make a beautiful cross for your own icon corner!)
Review of the Sign of the Cross
Why Do We Exalt the Cross?
Discovery of the Cross Play , by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
I'Con Spy: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Maze: Help St Helena find the True Cross
More Ways to Celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Prayer to the Precious Cross Before Sleep Bookmark template
14th: St. Placilla, the Empress
17th: St. Sophia & her Daughters, Faith, Hope, & Love; St. Sophia Breakfast Bread
Once Upon A Saint: St. Sophia and her Daughters
I Spy in my Little Icon: St. Sophia
Cardinal Virtues Coloring Page
Virtues: Song Lyrics
Know Your Faith: Virtues
19th: St. Zosimas Lion Cupcakes
21st: Feast of the Prophet Jonah
I Spy in My Little Icon: The Prophet Jonah
Know Your Faith: The Story of Jonah
Would Jonah Go?: song by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
Prayer of Jonah Bookmark Template
25th: Revelation of the Trisagion Hymn
23rd: Make St. John the Baptist Chocolate Locusts
26th: St. John the Theologian Eagle Snacks
12 Holy Feasts Song:
September Saints Crossword 2019
September Saints Crossword 2020
September Saints Crossword 2021

October 2024
7 Ecumenical Councils Song Lyrics
1st: The Feast of the Protection (Pokrov) of the Theotokos
I Spy in My Little Icon:Pokrov
Protection Coloring Page
Pokrov Bookmarks Template
Protection of the Mother of God Song Lyrics
Protecting our Protectress Shrine Craft
Rushnyk Coloring Page
1st: St. Romanus the Melodist Story & Recipe
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Romanus
11th: Synaxis of the 14 Optina Elders
Prayer of the Optina Elders Mobile Craft
14: St Petka (Paraskeva) Once Upon a Saint
16th: St. Longinus Side Dish Recipe
17th: St. Lazarus Party Planner
22nd: 2nd Falling Asleep of the 7 Youths of Ephesus: Pot Pies Recipe
I'm Off to Bed: song Lyrics
Once Upon A Saint: 7 Sleepers
He Who Does Not Sleep Nightlight Craft
Learn the Names of the 7 Sleepers of Ephesus
25th: St. Tabitha
St. Tabitha's Garment Sewing Craft
Tabitha's Song
31st: Latin Observance of All Hallows Eve...see our All Saints Day Party Planner!
Zombies and Skeletons Coloring Page

1st: Feast of Venerable Andrej Sheptytski
Ven. Andrej Sheptytski Coloring Page
8th: Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and All the Bodiless Powers
St. Michael Coloring Page
St. Michael Maze Printable
Guardian Angel Prayer Bookmark
Craft: Make a Natural Angel
I Spy in my Little Icon: Angel with a Scroll
Recipe: Archangel Michael's Crown (Blackberry Cake)
November 9: St. John the Dwarf
A Story about St. John the Dwarf from Kh.Sylvia Dorham
13th: St. John Chrysostom Golden Tongue Pasta Recipe
St. John Chrysostom Coloring Page
I Spy in My Little Icon of St. John Chrysostom
Meanwhile Back in Byzantium; More about St. John Chrysostom
Once Upon a Saint: St. John Chrysostom
Crossword Puzzle: Sayings of St. John Chrysostom
Know Your Faith: Parts of the Divine Liturgy
St. John Chrysostom Song (In the 4th Century AD)Lyrics
14th: Feast of St Philip
Recipe: St. Philip's Snakes
Activity: St. Phiilip's Snake Repellant
15th: Nativity Fast Begins
Activity: Nativity Fast 2023 Advent Calendar:New Calendar Version
Nativity Fast 2023 Advent Calendar:Old Calendar Version
God's Family Tree Puppet Timeline Activity
Song Lyrics: We're Going Home, by Kh.Sylvia Dorham
21st: Presentation Issue 2020
I Spy in My Little Icon: Entrance of the Theotokos in the Temple
Entrance of the Theotokos Coloring Page
Sts. Joachim & Anna Thankfulness Worksheet
25th: St Catherine of Alexandria's Koulouri Wheels Recipe
Once Upon a Saint: Katherine of Alexandria
30th: Feast of the Apostle Andrew, the First Called
Recipe: St. Andrew's Garlic Rolls
I Spy in My Little Eye: St. Andrew
Holodomor: Story & Coloring Page

4th; Feast of St. Barbara
Craft: Tower Vase for forcing branches
Recipe: St. Barbara's Breakfast
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Barbara
6th; Feast of St. Nicholas
Recipe: St. Nicholas' Purses St. Nicholas Saves the Sailors Maze
Printables: St. Nicholas Story St. Nicholas Coloring Page
St. Nicholas Word Search O Kto Kto, Sheet Music (MCI)
7th: Feast of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
Recipe: Honey Medovnicky
Activity: Make Honey Lip Balm
14th: St. Nimatullah: Story & Meghli Recipe
17th: Prophet Daniel
Prophet Daniel Coloring Page
I Spy in My Little Icon: The Prophet Daniel
20th: Translation of the Relics of St. Ignatius of Antioch
Activity: Bake a Batch of St. Ignatius' Bones
​25th: Feast of the Nativity
A Visit from the Kubi: Ancient Nativity Play
Script and Puppet Template
Joseph, Son of David; A Nativity Play by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
The Words the Prophets Said; Song by Kh. Sylvia. Lyrics
Something Startling; Song by Kh. Sylvia, Lyrics
ByziGirl's Christmas Star Hairstyle instructions
Make a gift in honor of the Magi!
Wise Men's Winter Balm Recipe
ByziKids Perler Bead Ornament Templates
Printables: Joseph, Son of David; A Nativity Play by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
Adoration of the Magi Coloring Page
God is With Us Printable Ornament Set
Nativity Troparion Bookmark Printable
January 2025
January 1: Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord
Feast of St. Basil the Great
Vasilopita Recipe
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Basil the Great
Feast of St. Emilia, Mother of St. Basil, and other Saints
St. Emilia Crockpot Fondue Recipe
January 2: St. Seraphim of Sarov
St. Seraphim Mushroom Cookies Recipe (Courtesy of Mrs. Lillian Baron)
Once Upon a Saint: St. Seraphim of Sarov
January 4: St. Djan Darada, the Ethiopian Steward of Queen Candace
St. Philip and the Ethiopian Chariot Race
January 6: Theophany
***ByziKids Magazine Theophany Edition
Features: Great Blessing of the Waters
Theophany Crossword
Theophany Maze
Sheet Music from MCI:
Greeting for Theophany
in 7 languages!
A Child's Renewal of Baptismal Vows
January 14: St. Nino of Georgia: Biography
January 16: Commemoration of the Chains of St. Peter
January 17: St. Anthony the Great
St. Anthony Coloring Page
I Spy in my Little Icon: St. Anthony the Great​​
January 18: St. Athanasius
Once Upon a Saint: St. Athanasius
January 24: St. Xenia of Rome
St. Xenia's Wreath of Star Cookies
January 28: St. Ephrem the Syrian
Crossword: St. Ephrem & the Gospels
January 31: Three Holy Hierarchs
Basil, John, & Gregory Song Lyrics
3 Holy Heirarchs Coloring Page
Recipe: Triple Hierarch Metro(neo)politan Cake
February 2025
February !: Make a Birdfeeder for St. Tryphon
St. Tryphon's Birdseed Snack Recipe
Once Upon a Saint: St. Tryphon
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Tryphon
Birds of the Bible Matching Game
History of the Double-Headed Eagle
The Bird Song Lyrics (by Kh. Sylvia Dorham)
Bible Study: Know Your Faith: The Gift of the Eagle
February 2: Encounter with Simeon Coloring Page
Zacchaeus Sunday
Zacchaeus Tree Potted Plant Craft
Zacchaeus Tree Cinnamon Roll Recipe
from our friends at the Metropolitan Cantor Institute!
Get the 2025 Countdown to Great Lent Calendar !
February 5: St. Agatha of Sicily
Recipe, St. Agatha's Volcanic, Chocolate Lava Bark
February 6: St. Dorothy
Recipe: St Dorothy's Apples Recipe​
February 9: St. Apollonia's Tooth Polish
Recipe: St. Apollonia's Corn Relish
Sunday of the Publican & the Pharisee
Publican & Pharisee Cookies Recipe
February 11: St. Blaise: Once Upon a Saint, by Mrs. Rebecca O'Loughlin
February 14: St. Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs
Once Upon a Saint: Sts. Cyril & Methodius
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Coloring Page
February 15: St. Sarkis: Once Upon a Saint​
February 16: Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Prodigal Son: A play by Khouria Sylvia Dorham that YOU can perform!
Let's Practice our Prostrations with the Prayer of St. Ephrem
February 17: Feast of St Theodore the Recruit of Tyro
Commemoration of the Miracle of the Boiled Wheat
Recipe: Mini-Koliva Breakfasts​
February 22: All Souls Saturday
February 23: Sunday of Meatfare, the Last Judgment
Pantocrator Icon Coloring Page
Christ Pantocrator Icon Explained
Meatfare Sunday Sheep Cupcakes
St. Milburga
St. Milburga Feeds the Birds; A Sensory Activity
February 24: 1st & 2nd Finding of the Head of John the Baptist
Crispy Chocolate Locusts Recipe
March 2025
March 1: St. Eudokia
Lyrics Song
​ All Souls Saturday
March 2: Cheeesefare / Forgiveness Sunday: Get the Countdown to Pascha Calendar
March 3: Clean Monday: Great Lent Begins!
The Great Fast Song & Lyrics
Clean Monday Kite Activity
March 8: Commemoration of the Miracle of the Boiled Wheat
Recipe: Mini-Koliva Breakfasts
March 9: Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Decorate with a Paper Bird Garland with the names of the 40 martyrs
Make 40 Skylark Rolls like they do in the Slavic countries
Make Mucenici like our friends in Romania
40 Christian Martyrs Song Lyrics
March 15: All Souls Saturday
March 16: Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
March 22: All Souls Saturday
March 23: Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross
Holy Cross Macaroni Craft (make a beautiful cross for your own icon corner!)
March 25: The Annunciation
Get the Coloring Page, Maze printable, and
I Spy in My Little Icon: Of the Annunciation
March 26: Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel
March 29: All Souls Saturday
March 30: Sunday of St. John of the Ladder
April 1: St. Mary of Egypt
St. Mary of Egypt Coloring Page
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Mary of Egypt & Father Zosimas
April 6: Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
April 12: Lazarus Saturday
April 13: Palm Sunday (EC)
Willow Treats Recipe
PalmSunday Coloring Page
I Spy: Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday Crossword
Palm Sunday Play by Kh. Jocelyn
Palm Sunday March, by Kh. Sylvia ; Lyrics
Palm Sunday Troparion Bookmark Printable
April 14: Great & Holy Monday
In honor of the readings today about the fig tree, add some figs to your meal plan!
April 15: Great and Holy Tuesday
Wise & Foolish Virgins Oil Lamp Race
St. Hunna the Laundress
April 16: Great and Holy Wednesday
Go to the anointing service at Presanctified Liturgy tonight!
April 17: Great and Holy Thursday
April 18: Great and Holy Friday​
April 19 Great and Holy Saturday
April 20: It;s ***PASCHA***
***ByziKids Magazine Pascha Edition: Part 1
Part 2
Resurrection Icon Coloring Page
April 23: St George:
Dragon Marionette Instructions
The Final Battle Song (about the armor of God!)
April 26: I Spy in My Little I'con: St. Stephen of Perm
April 27: Thomas Sunday
*******ByziKids April 2020 /Inclusivness Issue*********
Autism Awareness Article by Guest-Contributor, Catherine Alexander!
How to Receive the Eucharist Coloring Page
(from Mrs. Marie Taylor)
May 1: St. Tamara; Queen of Georgia
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Tamara, Queen of Georgia
Queen St. Tamara Coloring Page
Great & Holy Wednesday (Eastern Paschalion)
Receive Holy Unction at Presanctified Liturgy tonight!
May 2: St. Athanasius; Story of the Boy Bishop
Great & Holy Thursday (Eastern Paschalion)
May 4: Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers
May 7: Apparition of the True Cross Over Jerusalem
May 9: Feast of the Prophet Isaiah
Craft: God Is With Us Ornament Set
May 10: Feast of Mid-Pentecost (EO)
May 11: Mothers Day!
Sunday of the Paralytic
Commemoration of Sts. Cyril & Methodius
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Coloring Page
Once Upon a Saint: Cyril & Methodius
May 15: St. Pachomius the Great
May 18: Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Recipe: Photina's Eggs In A Well
May 21; Sts Constantine & Helen, Equal to the Apostles
Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (EC)
Sunday of the Man Born Blind (EO)
May 29: Ascension of Our Lord
Things to Do for the Feast of the Ascension
Gatnabour: Armenian Rice Pudding Recipe for Ascension Thursday
A Pantomime of the Story of Christ’s Ascension, According to St. Luke, A Silent Play by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
Sheet Music from MCI: The Lord Ascends​​
Creation Issue Activities
Psalm 103
The Birds of the Sky; Birdfeeder Craft
Walk on the Wings of the Wind; Kite Craft
Plants to Serve Man's Needs; Field Journal Activity
I Spy in My Little Icon: Creation
Go and Teach Your Children Song Lyrics
We are Co-Creators Song Lyrics

June 2023
June 1: The Entry of Christ into Egypt: See the June 2023 Issue!
The Restoration of Egypt: For Wadamoun, Song Lyrics
Christ's Entry into Egypt Handprint Cookie Recipe
Icon of Syrian Fathers in the Coptic Style, Coloring Page
June 4: Sunday of All Saints (EC)
Check out the ByziKids June 2020/Summer Saintly Celebration Issue***
Plan to Throw an All Saints Day Saintly Celebration Party!
Learn the S-A-I-N-T Song!
Pentecost (EO)
June 5: Apostles Fast Begins (EC)
June 11: Sunday of All Saints (EO)
Check out the ByziKids June 2020/Summer Saintly Celebration Issue!
June 12: Apostles Fast Begins (EO)
June 18: Synaxis of the Saints of North America
Father's Day
June 24: The Nativity of St. John the Forerunner
Learn how to gather St. John’s Wort and Make St. John's Wort Oil & Salve
Make St. John the Baptist Crispy Chocolate Locusts
Get the St John the Baptist Coloring Page
June 27: St. David of Thessalonika
Make St. David of Thessalonika Almond Bites
Get the St. David of Thessalonika Maze
June 29: Sts. Peter & Paul​
Check out the ByziKids Magazine Archives for the June 2019/Sts. Peter & Paul Issue!
Make a Byzantine Church Shoebox Diorama
Learn the Hymn for Sts. Peter & Paul
Get the Sts. Peter & Paul Maze Printable
June 30: Synaxis of the Apostles
Check out the ByziKids Magazine Archives for the June 2021/Apostles Issue!
12 Apostle Fruit Compote Recipe
*July 10: Venerable Anthony of the Kiev Caves
July 15: Prince St. Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles
July 20: The Prophet Elijah
St. Elijah's Miracle Bread Recipe
More to do for the Feast of Elijah
July 22: St. Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles
St. Mary Magdalene's Pickled Red Eggs Recipe
July 25: Dormition of St. Anna
July 25: St. Olympias the Deaconess
July 27: St. Herman of Alaska
I Spy in My Little Icon of St. Herman of Alaska
The Water is Climbing: Song Lyrics
For St. Herman of Alaska with Love
August 1: Preparing for the Feast of the Procession of the Holy Cross
Making a Festal Wreath for your cross for the feast!
Making Medovnicky with blessed honey
First Aid Fun: Home remedies you can make for the Dormition Fast
August 3: Salome the Myrrhbearer
August 4: First Falling Asleep of the 7 Sleepers of Ephesus
August 6: Transfiguration Coloring Page
Transfiguration Song Lyrics (By Kh. Sylvia Dorham)
Jesus'Bright Light Lyrics (By Kh. Sylvia Dorham)
I Spy in My Little Icon Transfiguration
Transfiguration Troparion Bookmark Craft
August 8: St. Myron of Crete Grain Bundle Recipe
August 13: Story of Irene of Hungary
Once Upon a Saint: Maximus the Confessor
August 15: Dormition Story
Hold a Floral-themed, After-Liturgy, Dormition Tea!
Dormition I Spy & Coloring Page
Things to do with Your Blessed Dormition Flowers
Dormition Fast Vase Craft/Actvity
August 18: Sts. Florus & Laurus...Carrot Horseshoe Cookie Recipe
August 24: St Teklehaimanot: Once Upon a Saint Story
August 28: St Moses the Black
I Spy in My Little Icon: St. Moses the Black
August 29: Beheading of St. John the Baptist...Chocolate locusts
August 31: It's Liturgical New Year's Eve!!
Moveable Feasts
***ByziKids Magazine Pre-Lenten Edition
Sunday of Zacchaeus
Zacchaeus Tree Potted Plant Craft
Zacchaeus Tree Cinnamon Roll Recipe
Check out: The Zacchaeus Tree:
A Family Guide Through the Season
of the Great Fast, by Lynne Wardach
from our friends at the Metropolitan Cantor Institute!
Sunday of the Publican & the Pharisee
The Jesus Prayer Chotki Craft
Publican & Pharisee Cookies Recipe
Sunday of the Prodigal Son
St. Ephrem Prayer and Prostration lesson
Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare)
Pantocrator Icon Coloring Page
Christ Pantocrator Icon Explained
Meatfare Sunday Sheep Cupcakes
Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare)
The Great Fast Song & Lyrics
***ByziKids Magazine: Great Fast Edition
Saturday of St. Theodore the Recruit
Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy
Mary of Egypt
Lazarus Saturday
Palm Sunday
Wise & Foolish Virgins Oil Lamp Race
Great and Holy Friday ​
***ByziKids Magazine Pascha Edition: Part 1
Part 2
Resurrection Icon Coloring Page
Things to Do for the Feast of the Ascension
Gatnabour: Armenian Rice Pudding Recipe for Ascension Thursday
A Pantomime of the Story of Christ’s Ascension, According to St. Luke, A Silent Play by Khouria Sylvia Dorham
Sheet Music from MCI: The Lord Ascends
***ByziKids Magazine Pentecost Edition***
***ByziKids Magazine: SPECIAL EDITION***
Archbishop Metropolitan Borys Gudziak's Enthronement, June 4, 2019*****************
Archbishop Borys Coloring Page
Archbishop Borys's Coat-of-Arms Coloring Page
Young Borys Paper Doll Vestments Play Set