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From Magdalena's Mom
Compassion and Information for ByziMoms who are experiencing miscarriage or infant loss.

So many mothers have contacted me asking for help with finding resources after the miscarriage of their little ones that I felt compelled to set aside a place where we can come together to assist them with information, consolation, and understanding. 

This page is dedicated first to

Our Lady, Joy of All Who Sorrow, who knows well the pain of enduring the loss of her immaculate child,

and also to the memory of my own little saint in heaven who waits patiently for me there.  

When people began to contact me asking for help after the loss of their little ones; specifically with understanding what to do spiritually, how to plan a church service, who to contact first;  I  did my best to help as much as I could, but having had a particularly unique experience of loss, I felt quite inadequate to advise anyone in such a situation.  I decided to reach out to some of the moms I knew who, sadly, had more experience in this realm and put together a team of volunteers dedicated to providing compassionate assistance and advice as those who have been through the darkness and with God's grace, have come through it.  

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St. Bernard of Clairvaux wrote to a couple that had a miscarriage. In response to their question, “What is going to happen to my child? The child didn’t get baptized,”  St. Bernard said, “Your faith spoke for this child. Baptism for this child was only delayed by time. Your faith suffices. The waters of your womb — were they not the waters of life for this child? Look at your tears. Are they not like the waters of baptism? Do not fear this. God’s ability to love is greater than our fears. Surrender everything to God.”

Are you in need of help right now?

We have a team of ByziMoms who have dedicated themselves to this ministry. 

If you are experiencing a miscarriage or loss of a child, we know you may have a thousand questions and may just need another ByziMom to talk to who understands.



Our Team:

Lynne Wardach                     

                           Nicole Dodson-Sands              Melanie Baker

Cassy  Holzhauer                                 Selina Hoffman

IRemembering ...

As someone who has endured not only the loss of our first child, the chimeric twin of our oldest, and my own identical twin sister to miscarriage, as well as a little brother in childhood, I can tell you that one of the saddest concerns a mother has is that her child will be forgotten.  If it would bring you joy to do so, please send me an email ( with the name of your little saint and I will place it here in the memorial section of our page.  If you would like to write an account of your story, especially if it would help someone else who may be in need, I will link that to your child's name.

Material found on ByziMomcom may be reprinted for personal use; Not to be used for commercial purposes; All rights reserved © 2023

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