Every entry in this little book is not only a recipe, but a story from the lives of the saints or events in Church history that will remain in the minds of your children long after the food has left their stomachs.
In this way, we can feed their souls as well as their minds and bodies!
22 recipes and stories for 22 feasts of the Church:
Table of Contents
September 2……..St. Mamas’ Warm Vanilla Milk
September 26…….St. John the Theologian Eagle Snacks
October 6…….St. Thomas’ Samosas
October 16…….St. Longinus’s Eye-Opening Side Dish
November 14…...St. Philip’s Snakes
November 30…..St. Andrew’s Garlic Rolls
December 4……..St. Barbara’s Breakfast
December 7…….St. Ambrose’s Medovnicky
December 20…..Bread Bones of St. Ignatius of Antioch
January 16…...Chains of St. Peter Soup
January 24……..St. Xenia’s Wreath of Stars
February 5…..St Agatha of Sicily’s Lava Bark
February 9…..St. Apollonia’s Corn Relish
March 9…..40 Skylarks for the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste
Mid-Point of the Great Fast…..Crown of Thorn Pretzels
Lazarus Saturday….St. Lazarus Sweet Rolls
April 23…….St. George’s Dragon Cake
June 24…..St. John the Baptist Chocolate Locusts
June 29…..St. David of Thesalonika’s Almond Bites
July 22…...St. Mary Magdalene’s Red Pickled Eggs
August 4…...7 Sleepers Pot Pies
August 8…...St. Myron of Crete’s Grain Bundles
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